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Croatian Kn vs Euro payment in Dalmatian coast

What is the latest on paying in kuna vs Euro in Croatia where the kuna is only official currency....I need to put my order in for initial currency to bring for European trip that starts in Croatia and moves on to Euro currency countries. Do we ask each lodging and excursion reserved specifically what they want?
And does it matter, financially, which of these currancies a US visitor uses in Croatian Dalmatian coast?

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28 posts

Thank you, Paul, for your reply. We were in Europe in 2010 and in Croatia in always great to find someone who has been there recently...

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3113 posts

Seems like the word is slow getting around. Unless you have a very special trip, do not take large amounts of currency. Get a special card from your bank that allows you to withdraw from your checking account. When you get there, withdraw at the airport or the closest place. We went last summer. We had no trouble using the card in Austria, Hungary, Croatia or Slovenia. Taking large amounts of money may help, but probably not. The euro may go up or down. I'd not bother to get currency before - maybe 100 E is necessary.

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15 posts

Agree do not travel with cash, it is so easy to withdraw money from ATMs all over Croatia (even in some of the smaller towns) and depending on your bank the exchange rates and any fees are usually good. Just for information some larger establishments in bigger cities may take Euros, but don't expect this, the majority of places will only accept the local currency Kuna. When you withdraw money, it will always be in Kuna. If you do pay for anything in Euros, double check the exchange rate so that you do not pay too much.
Enjoy your travels, the Dalmatian coast is stunning. Hope you get to visit Korcula!