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Cesky krumlov or Budapest for New Years Eve?

We are trying to decide whether to spend New Years Eve in Budapest or Cesky Krumlov. We are a family of mum,2adult sons, 1 daughter in law and a 10month old baby. Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome(including accommodatio accomodation or restaurant ideas for dinner on NYE).
Thanks, Linda

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21771 posts

I wont make a suggestion as to which but I can tell you what to expect in Budapest. This just isn't a great fireworks studded event in Budapest. There are a number of well organized street parties and a number of the clubs and restaurants have celebrations as do a couple of the hotels; but that is pretty much the extent. New Year Celebration aside late December and early January are a great time to visit Budapest if you love the snow, the theater, romance and the like. And the Christmas markets stay open until January 1 (or maybe it was the 5th? But at least until the first.)

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410 posts

I have not been to Budapest and only did a day trip to Cesky Krumlov from Prague in May this year. Cesky Krumlov is very small and Budapest a major city so your options would be much greater in Budapest. Then again, you may want somewhere smaller and more intimate. Hopefully someone will have more specific suggestions to make.

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516 posts

Been to both. Budapest would be much better. CK is a very small town. More like a village. I would pick Prague over both.

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61 posts

Thank you for your replies.We have decided to spend the New Year in Vienna and then move to Budapest for a week