does anyone know of a good website to purchase a cheap world phone that works in both budapest and prague?
Dear John, We have a world phone, but if you have a US based phone, I would call and get the unlock codes and just purchase a simm chip where you are. It is simple, many phone shops all over and MUCH cheaper to make local calls. They sell chips with a certain amount a credit on them, and you can get a very cheap one for $10. My 500 minute phone lasted me 3 months in Vienna and it was $20. If you still want the info for the world phone, let me know, I will be happy to send it on, but we use it for emergencies, as we are trvaeling around the world right now and sometimes need a quick call where we are for a short stay. HTH and peaceful travels! Stacy
John, For use in two different countries in eastern Europe, you might consider having a look at one of the "travel phone" firms such as Roam Simple, Cellular Abroad, Call In Europe, Telestial or Mobal (there are others but I can't remember them all). They offer not only phones but also calling plans for use in various parts of the world. You'll probably find that plans for eastern Europe are more expensive than for other parts of Europe. Good luck and happy travels!
I own the Samsung E1080 Unlocked Dual-Band GSM Phone from Amazon and it worked great. It is lightweight. I didn't use the phone in Prague and Budapest. I used it in Croatia. I purchased a SIM card (local plan) from a tobacco stand and the clerk helped me install it and set it up in English. I didn't make any phone calls to the US but did send boatload of text messages to my bf in the US and made several local calls on the same card without reloading add'l minutes. It was such a great value.