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buses between Zagreb, Plitvice national park ,and Split in Croatia

Can anyone tell me either where I can get info or knows how often buses travel between these locations during the summer months? Hoping to travel from Zagreb to Plitvice in the afternoon then the next day leave late afternoon to go to Split. Thanks.

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3112 posts

You can check Zagreb to Plitvice (Plitvicka Jezera) bus schedule at When you get to the timetables, be sure to check the instructions as inquiries require a very specific input order. For Plitvice to Split bus schedule, check and search by arrivals. Split site is easier to use but doesn't provide as much information (e.g. price).

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188 posts

In Rick Steve's travel book, he mentions how the buses don't always stop at Plitvice if they are full--especially during the summer. You may want to check this out further in his guide book on Croatia. For this reason, we rented a car for a couple of days to get to Plitvice from Split.