How easy is it to get from Kusadasi to Canakkale by bus in a day? I can only find (on the Kamil Koc website) one service from Izmir north to Canakkale, leaving at 5am! Are there other companies that do the route, how frequently do they depart, and how do I find them?? (a physical address for once we are there? or web info?) Any help would be much appreciated
Hi Chris,
We traveled in Turkey in May and used the bus system. It might be easier to try to plan your route once you arrive in Turkey as the bus system is very comprehensive but not easy to determine the best routes. It looks like it's about a 6 hour drive between Kusadasi to Canakkale so it should be easily done in one day but it might involve a combination of bus and dolmus (van or mini-bus). Sometimes a bus will take you to a larger hub (Izmir or Aydin for example) and then you would transfer to a dolmus for the remaining part of the trip. If you are staying in a hotel in Kusadasi, I'd ask the hotel staff to help you make your reservation.
We took the Kamil Koc busline and it was excellent--large comfy seats, great snacks, and even wireless Internet service!
Enjoy your time on Turkey!