Does anyone have any thoughts on the baths in Budapest? Are they a 'must do', or just 'see', or forget altogether? We only have 3 days in Budapest and not sure whether to put them at the top of the list or not. Also not sure if I want to include a bathing suit in the packing process! We will be there in late April.
Not really sure if its a "must do" but if it interests you its worth a shot. Three days is a short stay for Budapest and the baths will eat up a fourth to a half of the day sooooo.... But where else can you steep in a 16th century pool or bask in the splendor of the likes of the Szechenyi Bath House in the city park or enjoy the opulence of the Gellert baths?
Hi Donna - My family was in Budapest for 3 nights. We did go to the Szechenyi Baths and Pool and enjoyed it very much. They are gorgeous and interesting to see....people watch. Include your bathing suit. When I remember Budapest the first thing that comes to mind is the baths.
I would put it on the "Must do" list - one of the best things I did in Budapest. No problem with April - it's better go to when it is cooler - you wouldn't want to bob around in hot water in the middle of summer! Szechenyi baths were relaxing and it was fun to see a lot of locals and European tourists. Follow Rick's guidebook instructions - they are spot on. A couple can pay for one changing cabin and share. I spent the entire time outside switching between the warm pool and the "fun" pool. Check the hours, you may be able to go early or late and still have plenty of sightseeing time.
Thank you, everyone, for your input. It sounds like we'd better plan on going to the Baths!! I have the RS guidebook for Budapest, but haven't gotten to the baths part yet and wanted some thoughts from 'regular' people. Thank you!!
#1. Go to the baths the locals go to. You won't regret it. Szechenyi Furdos. #2. Get tickets to see a performance at the Opera #3. walk along the Danube #4. Go to Margit Island for a walk #5. Kerepsi Cemetary near Keleti Train Station. his is an on list, but you will really enjoy it.
wayne iNWI
6. House of terror - memorial to both nazi and communist secret police 7. Memorial park - all the soviet realist monuments in one place - fun and kitchy 8. Marxim Pizza and Beer - commie kitch good pizza and beer 9. Walk around and be a tourist
10. Central Market
We just got back from Budapest, and the baths were one of the highlights of the trip. i would say its a must do.
My wife and I were in Budapest in early May. When I first suggested a visit to the Széchnyi Baths, she wasn't thrilled. After some discussion she acquiesced and said ok. It was one of the highlights of the visit. We chose the Széchnyi Baths thinking they would be less touristy; it was a good choice. It isn't a five star kind of place, but nonetheless terrific. Take your waterproof point-and-shoot camera out in the pools so you can share the experience with your friends. If you don't have one, get an inexpensive model like the Fujifilm XP. You won't have to worry about ruining an expensive piece of equipment.