I am generally a tap water person but do buy the bottled water when necessary when we are out touring for the day. My hubby and I typically drink tap water in restaurants but occasionally we feel we must buy bottled water as either a precaution or by the recommendation of a travel book. For those of you more experienced in this arena, should we expect to see the bottle delivered to the table with the lid on and the seal not broken? I've heard stories about establishments filling up the bottles in the kitchen with tap water. I don't want to overthink the situation but it does cross my mind and over the years both hubby and I have been sick from the water in both Asia and Mexico and I have had a severe bout of food poisoning in Italy so we want to be smart about it. We are considering going to Eastern Europe next year so thought it a good time to bring it up. Thanks.
The only area of Eastern Europe where the CDC still issues a health warning about municipal water is St. Petersburg and the surrounding Leningrad oblast (although anecdotally, I didn't get sick from it). Tap water is generally safe. Just stay away from well water.
We tens to drink bottled water in Europe, not because it is unsafe, just different and we would rather avoid the risk of tummy troubles. To ensure the water is bottled and "fresh" we order sparkling water "avec le gas" or "mit Gas". That way it is unlikely to be a refilled bottle.
Traveled Eastern Europe using tap water with no problems. We didn't have any problems using the pilsner either.
Thanks for all of your responses and it is one less thing to think about on our travels. We primarily travel on the shoulder when it is not quite so hot so there is less guzzling of water and more partaking of wine/beer so we will just relax and enjoy. :)