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Blue Star Ferry from Piraeus to Santorini

What is the difference between the Air Seat Lounge 1 or Lounge 2? The air seats have been recommended highly for a few euros more from the economy but is one Lounge better than the other in terms of foot traffic, noise, etc or other factors? Are there luggage racks near the seats or they go to a certain area in the ship for pick-up?

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SEATS - Air lounges 1 & 2 are on the sides of the Ship, smaller, no through foot traffic, they used to be nonsmoking, now the whole ship inside is nonsmoking. Airseats 3 4 5 are in a larger room, more like a small auditorium, glass sides so you see thru lounge 1 & 2 to the windows. Sometimes 1 & 2 can be very quiet, sometimes a TV on that you can't control, sometimes chldren. Who knows

LUGGAGE - If you are a scared American you can lug your heavy bag up 3 levels to the Economy seating. If you are like everybody else, you can just take up your daybag with important stuff (papers/cash/camera) and leave your big bag full of dirty laundry down on the level where you come in. To either side of the center (where the cars/trucks drive in) are steel racks for bags where u pile your bags. Be strategic to avoid your bags being buried under others if it's a full ferry; either rush in and put bags on top shelf... or STACK your party's bags vertically so that others cannot cover yours. Just common sense stuff, don't over-think it.