Is there a quaint place in the countryside near the camps to stay at?
Is there a quaint place in the countryside near the camps to stay at?
Auschwitz is a nice day trip from Krakow. Unless you have a compelling reason for wanting to stay in the area of the camps, I'd recommend staying in Krakow. The towns around the camp aren't very large and Krakow is a great town. The bus station is an easy walk from the Rynek Glowny. Bus tickets are quite inexpensive and the bus drops you off at the gate to Auschwitze with a shuttle service to the other camp.
Auschwitz is a nice day trip from Krakow. Unless you have a compelling reason for wanting to stay in the area of the camps, I'd recommend staying in Krakow. The towns around the camp aren't very large and Krakow is a great town. The bus station is an easy walk from the Rynek Glowny. Bus tickets are quite inexpensive and the bus drops you off at the gate to Auschwitze with a shuttle service to the other camp.
The city of Oswiecim, where the camp is located, is industrial, with a large ugly factory of some sort in the middle of it. I wouldn't describe the immediate area as "quaint". Auschwitz is an important place to visit and encourage you to do so, but it's very depressing and made me sick to my stomach; I couldn't wait to to get as far away from it as possible. As the previous poster said, it's best to stay overnight in Krakow.
I agree with the previous posters; while the bus ride is enjoyable and scenic enough,the actual city has little or nothing to offer to the casual visitor. But touring the camps is a life-changing event.
I'm not sure about places to stay, but when I went to the camp, I of course felt awful for days after. I was with a Contiki tour group and we had 2 days of busing through Germany and we were quiet for those 2 long days...quite the change for a rowdy group of 20-somethings. I suggest hopping a jet and get out to some place pretty like paris or london to get your mind off it. It was definitely a mind-blowing experience...and one I hope to never revisit.