I know that you can get guides when you arrive at Auschwitz, but I was wondering if there is a place there or where you can hire private guides. I am polish and have had family go through and want to get more out of it if possible then I would probably get with a normal guide. If there are private guides can anybody recommend some. Thanks
I can speak for the quality of the guides at Auschwitz. We had a party of four and booked a guide to start right at opening. She was excellent and by getting there early we beat the worst of the crowds. After touring the work camp (where we met the guide) we drove to Birkenau with her. That camp is much larger and visited by fewer people, so the crowds aren't an issue there. You might find that the guides at Auschwitz will meet you needs. I didn't handle our booking, but I know that the family member who did felt there was good communication and I'm sure you could make some special requests.
My husband and I visited Auschwitz in May of 2012. We hired a private guide using the Auschwitz website. Our guide was excellent. He was a young man from Krakow who was working on his doctorate in Jewish studies. Like HK, we scheduled an early tour to avoid the crowds. I would gladly share his name, but I lost my journal from that part of our trip and neither my husband or I can remember his name.
Thanks do you remember which auschwitz website, there area couple and we had planned to go early to avoid crowds and make sure we see all that we could.
We used this website: en.auschwitz.org.pl/
According to the RS guide book, through the website listed above you can contact them for an official guide for your own private tour (they're listed as "study tours" on this page http://en.auschwitz.org/z/). He also mentions that only "official" Auschwitz guides can give tours, so even hiring a private guide, you may end up paying for the Auschwitz guide as well. Rick lists several Krakow guides as possibilities - I can recommend Anna Gega, she is wonderful (0604-151-293, http://www.leadertour.eu/index-EN.html)