Any idea of prices of flying Athens to Santorini or Athens to Mykonos?
It can be as little as 39 euro or as much as 145 euro, all taxes included, depending on when you're going, which airline you fly (Aegean, Olympic, Athens Airways), and if you're lucky enough to catch one of the airfare sales. Check the websites for these companies.
We took the hydrofoil from Athens to Mykonos and then to Santorini. Flew on Aegean Air back from Santorini to Athens -- that flight was about 65 euros (I think) in April.
Mark, did you give any thought of logging onto the Aegean site and finding out for yourself rather than relying on strangers to guess for you? That is generally the easy way to do it.
Hi Mark - You can certainly do as Frank suggested and log onto sites and check prices and availabilty OR, you can rely on Travelers that have actually been there and done that - That's why Rick refers to this as Travelers Helpline!!
The Hydrofoils the lady suggested are the way to go - Fun and relatively short - sit back and have a beverage and enjoy the trip.
Aegean Airlines periodically offers super-saver fares on their website, so depending on when you go you may be able to get something really cheap. Just yesterday I got an email notice from them for some saver fares for September and October. Check out their website and keep checking it. These saver fares for next year's summer season will begin to appear towards the end of the year and will be released in bunches every couple of months.