Staying in Vienna for 4 days in June. Any self laundry facilities in Vienna?
Suggestions or helpful hints
Just about every hotel we've stayed in over there has had laundry and dry cleaning service available. If your's doesn't they should be able to tell you where such facilities are.
Have you considered the bathroom sink?
Not really useful for 5 days of business and casual clothes.
Laura, I know of one which is bit of a walk from the Westbahnhof train station, which is the area I stay in. It is called: Schnell und Sauber Wasch Center, Westbahnstraße 7. It's across from the police station.
Look at the RS tour guide of Vienna and he usually recommends a laundry place in nearly every city. I have used his recommended landry services in many cities.
I think I used the laundry mentioned near the train station. If the same, it was clean and large. Your hotel can recommend nearby laundries and many will provide a laundry service.