Traveling with tweens - need to know what establishments such as taverns,baths, wine bars are acceptable for Budapest, Vienna Prague areas.
The drinking age in Europe seems to hover around cradle age to 90. Generally young people are welcome in all taverns etc. especially when accompanied by their parents (Mom will keep that teen in line:) Don't recall any issues when we traveled with our 13 yr old.
Legal drinking age in Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic is 18 years. But it is rarely enforced. Just use your common sense what is acceptable.
Thnaks! I was wondering more about them being with us - not so much about them actually drinking.
It just varies with the establishment. Look around first to see who is there. While English pubs are known for being "family friendly" we sat once in a London pub with two subteen sons and were asked to leave because of the boys. Never happened any other place and always wondered why it happened there. Just moved to the next pub and were fine. And it probably would not hurt to ask if the children are OK. Just being polite.
If you are in Vienna, I would definitely go to the heurigern, the wine gardens in the outskirts. We went there in June, and it was fabulous. We had our 21 YO and 24 YO children. No problems with that, obviously. But these are family places, and we saw many families. I doubt that children would be a problem. They are really wine restaurants. Dunno about winter of course.
We took our 13yo son to Prague and Budapest several years ago. I don't recall ever having an issue, but I also don't think we ever went into a place that would be the equivalent of a bar in the U.S., or even similar to a pub in England (some of which, as pointed out, are not appropriate for kids). Many places in Prague and Budapest had their bar areas on the ground floor and the restaurant area in the basement level. As we would be in that kind of place to eat, we'd be in the basement level, and of course, no problem there. I suppose that kind of place might be called a tavern. When we were just having drinks and people-watching, we were travelling in May, so were always at outdoor cafes, so no problem there. On the drinking age, at one place, my son ordered mineral water (a very big deal there; every place has their own local favorites, and our son liked sampling the variety) but the waiter somehow thought he ordered a Cinzano, which is a vermouth - which the waiter brought! My son was terribly embarrassed, and did NOT drink it.
My daughter was 7 last Christmas when we were in Prague and she went everywhere, including bars that served food, with us. There was never any issue in any place we went. I know one place we went sat us in a more "family" area but it was literally next to the bartender.
My two teenage daughters ( 17 & 14 ) want to go "clubbing" when we go to Budapest this summer. I was hoping their dad and I would be able to accompany them to a club or disco. The plan was once we where inside they could go off on their own and pretend they don't know us. My 17 daughter had friends that went clubbing in Prague last summer when they where only 16. ( Yikes, parents didn't know).
Having us go along seemed like a fun, and safe compromise. Both of my girls are tall, ( over 5' 6" ), and look mature for their age. Think we could get in to the clubs?
I can't believe that you would even consider smuggling your underage daughter into clubs which are for adults. The community guidelines here forbid encouraging you to break the law. I don't know specifically about those clubs but I do know what goes on at clubbing places in the UK and western Europe. Are you really talking about letting her (them) loose in a club with lots of alcohol, drugs, and sexual hazards, and not knowing them? Sorry, I'm no prude - but I think you have the wrong end of the stick there. Because others managed to get in you think its OK to smuggle yours in? And what does the fact that other under-agers got in say about the security and attitude of the club? ((Getting back down off soapbox, holding head in shock))
I also have to say taking a couple of young teenage girls into actual nightclubs in Europe are not a good idea. I would not want my 2 college aged sons to go to one either, tho I have allowed them to wander without parents, until 10pm in Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin,and smaller western European cities. Take the kids sightseeing and wear them out, feed them dinner and let them collapse into bed.
They can go nightclubbing when they are older.
Wow, two extremes, here, first one family with very young teens want to go clubbing, then another family with college age kids being controlled by mommy,, ha ha,, hilarious. under 18s should not be encouraged to drink( well being french I see no issue with a glass of wine at a special family dinner) or even hang out is bars,, over 18s should have curfews over 10 pm and should be able to drink,, since most college age kids are adults in most countries and hostels are filled with independent travellers over 18.
First off let me say I would not allow my girls to drink if we do go out. They want to dance. However I am rethinking the plan. Since my original posting I have been looking at some clubs and their size is daunting, too many floors and rooms. I would not be able to keep and eye on them. I also do not want to break the law in Hungary. If I find the perfect club and it is legal for them to accompany a parent we still may go.