Any suggestions about the best way to get from Prague to Vienna by air? Local airlines? Major carriers worth the price? Thoughts??
Going by air from Prague to Vienna is certainly not the best way. It's faster and much more comfortable by train.
It's about 4 hours by train. The train is modern and very comfortable. The train stations are IN the cities, easily accessible from the subway or a short taxi ride. No security lines. My only thought is why would anyone fly when they could rail it. Oops, it's more like 5 hours. Still better (and faster) than flying IMHO.
Can you pre-book rail. Or easy to pick up over there?
I traveled in mid-May last year. I bought my ticket from Vienna to Prague in advance online - probably to get a discounted ticket. In general, tickets go on sale 90-92 days in advance and a few tickets are offered at bargain prices. They usually sell out pretty quickly. They are non-refundable. The train wasn't crowded.
We took the train from Prague to Vienna last month and found it fast and efficient. One potential hitch you encounter with flying (besides the greater cost) is that Vienna's airport is out in the suburbs and you'll need to take the CAT in (unless you're renting a car or getting a taxi, again both more expensive). The train put us right on the U line.