How do you get from Hvar to Korcula to Dubrovnik in one day and spend a day in Korcula? Is there a catamaran company that takes you from Hvar to Korcula. Rick talks about taking the Nona Ana from Korcula to Dubrovnik - anyone know how to access the Nona Ana from Korcula to Dubrovnik schedule for Sept. 14,2010 and how long does it take?
Go to website. It has links to all the catamaran information you're asking about.
I was staying in Dubrovnik and took a bus to Korcula.
The route climbs high into the mountains with stunning views. All day is probably more than needed, but it is a lovely place. I took the Jadrolinija big ferry back. We left at 6 PM, sunset, and arrived about 10 PM. Passed many islands. The boat is a bit of an ole tub. I would take my own food and drink as many other passengers did. It was a very memorable day!