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Croatia Transportation

How do you get from Hvar to Korcula to Dubrovnik in one day and spend a day in Korcula? Is there a catamaran company that takes you from Hvar to Korcula. Rick talks about taking the Nona Ana from Korcula to Dubrovnik - anyone know how to access the Nona Ana from Korcula to Dubrovnik schedule for Sept. 14,2010 and how long does it take?

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I was staying in Dubrovnik and took a bus to Korcula.
The route climbs high into the mountains with stunning views. All day is probably more than needed, but it is a lovely place. I took the Jadrolinija big ferry back. We left at 6 PM, sunset, and arrived about 10 PM. Passed many islands. The boat is a bit of an ole tub. I would take my own food and drink as many other passengers did. It was a very memorable day!
