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129 posts

We are planning 13 days in Greece, Santorini and Paxos starting the end of February. Any suggestions on this being a safe travel time? Have already booked our airline tickets but nothing else yet. We are living in Germany so we get all the updates on the current riots in Greece.

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3435 posts

It sounds as if the worriers here are newbies to Greece or maybe to European travel period. Demonstrations and protests are much more of a student tradition there ... and many in the crowd were not protesting because of the original tragic incident. An NPR guy interviewed 3 collegians in the crowd who afterwards were hailing a taxi for a swanky suburb -- they said they came to protest the bad quality of their Univ education and the failure of the U to prepare them to get good jobs (!).

I lived in NYC, Manhattan for many years, and whenever there was a big demonstration/mob scene outside the UN etc, relatives in the Midwest would phone, all aquiver. Had to explain in a big city, events are localized. in Athens, if an protest/"riot" is reported, stay away from Syntagma Square or the college areas, take taxis if a Metro action is in the news, and you'll be just fine! Calm down everybody.

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1158 posts


I am not a newbie in traveling, and as a matter of fact I've been to Greece and there ware some riots at that time, but they didn't seem so bad. The ones that are now there look worse with fire involved etc.
However my question was more rhetoric than anything else.

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58 posts

There is an interesting article in the Monday (Dec. 15th) New York Times, at the bottom of page A 6, regarding this post.

We are looking forward to a Rick's Greece tour in May.