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Zurich to Murren/Gimmelwald

First I fly into Zurich. THEN I plan to TRAVEL to Murren for 3 nights. While there I hope to visit Jungfraur & Schilthorn. My question is, should I buy some kind of rail pass? And if so, in advance or when I arrive in Zurich??
BTW - I will be returning to Zurich on the 4th night, to stay in a Hotel close to the airport.

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20800 posts

Get a Swiss Card when you arrive. Cost is 199 chf. That will give you transportation to/from Muerren and half fare on all the transportation costs while you are there, including Schilthorn and Jungfraujoch. Since the full fare cost from ZRH to Muerren is 90 chf each way, this is your best deal.

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32303 posts


Are you clear on the route you'll be taking from Zürich to Mürren? It's a bit unusual and not all by train. If you need further information, post another note.