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Wrong birthdate while registering for Swiss travel pass

By mistake while purchasing the Swiss travel pass for my wife, it got booked with my birthdate instead of my wife's as google automatically picked it the birthdate and I didn't notice.

Only after getting confirmation copy I noticed that its wrong.

The other details like Passport no. And name etc. are ok.

Will this be a problem travelling in Switzerland?

I also noticed the birth date actually is not printed on the pass. But was still not sure.

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991 posts

If its not printed on the pass, then I don't think you are going to have a problem. I do know that you need to make sure you have your passport with you when you show your travel pass to the train conductors. While most conductors will not ask for your passport, it does say on the ticket, "not valid without I.D." We did 20+ train trips on our 2016 Swiss trip, and only one conductor wanted to see our passport. (which we had left in the hotel). She just politely reminded us we needed to carry them.

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5581 posts

I don't think you will have a problem with the travel pass, either, but I wanted to reinforce that a passport can be requested at any time. We were asked twice for passport verification when we were using the trains.

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16893 posts

No problem. It's a bit over-zealous on their part to ask for birthdates they don't need. But if you were asking for a youth discount (under age 26), it would have helped the system confirm your eligibility.