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World record train length (100 passenger cars) attempt on Saturday if you're there

From the Rhaetian Railway -

As part of the 175th anniversary celebrations of the Swiss railways, the Rhaetian Railway (RhB) is undertaking the official attempt to run the longest passenger train in the world on Saturday, October 29, 2022. The 1910 meter long train with 100 carriages is to roll on the UNESCO World Heritage route Albula/Bernina from Preda to Bergün and further over the Landwasser Viaduct. The corresponding tests for technical feasibility and guarantee of security have taken place in the past few months.

The longest passenger train in the world is to be made up of 25 multiple-unit trains of the latest “Capricorn” type. "

If you're not there there will be a live stream on

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1157 posts

World record "passenger" train. On the Canadian Pacific main line, rarely a day goes by without a 100+ car freight train going through.

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1217 posts

Thanks for the heads up Nigel. We watched the video on it, and it was amazing!

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4974 posts

here's a good article about it, and Swiss transpo in general

with this troubling note:

Despite massive investment over the last four decades, through long-term expansion programs such as "Bahn 2000." Switzerland's railways are becoming a victim of their own success. While SBB's overall punctuality still looks impressive to outsiders, there is concern about deteriorating performance, rising costs and its ability to fund essential maintenance and major projects after the devastating financial losses of 2020-21.
Disruption is still comparatively rare on the SBB network, but reliability has decreased in recent years as a result of congestion, staff shortages and poor punctuality of trains arriving from neighboring countries