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Which direction for Meiringen-Grosse Scheidegg hike?


We are wanting to hike from Meiringen to Grosse Scheidegg and then take the bus down to Grindelwald. Since we will have many days of hiking under our belt by the time we do this, I was wondering if maybe we should avoid the uphill climb and do this in reverse by taking the bus up to Grosse Scheidegg and hike down to Meiringen.

Considering it would not be too punishing on the knees going downhill, any thoughts on which direction we should take? Would we have our backs to the best views by doing this in reverse?

Thanks for your opinions,

LeeAnn (libbynomore)

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740 posts

Are you in the athletic range of doing 5,000 feet of elevation gain and 9+ miles?

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34618 posts

My hiking days are behind me but I always preferred an uphill hike to down. My knees did not like downhill nor did my shins.

Meiringen is a very nice town but I do agree that downhill you will have the most magnificent mountains behind.

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8 posts

Thanks Nigel and Maureen!

Yes, my husband prefers walking uphill as well. On another forum I had someone else agree that the best views would be from Meiringen to Grosse Scheidegg but that going in the other direction wouldn't be a deal breaker if we so choose. We'll make a decision as we near the time to hike and see how we feel. Our bodies will probably be very tired:)

I'll definitely take a look at the link you provided Maureen. I appreciate the information for sure!

Have a great day,

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8 posts

Thanks Maureen! Yes, having the option to take the bus along the way is definitely reassuring. I appreciate you pointing this out. It's so nice to have choices:)
