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what to do on rainy BO days?

We'll be in Murren from Sept 27 - 30. Looking at the online forecasts (I know it's too early to know for sure) it's likely to rain most days. We will bring good rain gear and want to hike anyway. Any suggestions for rainy day walks?

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1081 posts

I feel that a good "waterproof" jacket is a must have if you want to have "backdoor" experiences. Most people buy water resistant jackets that eventually start leaking while a good jacket like a Marmot or a Patagonia will keep you dry in a downpour. They will cost more but they last years. On our recent Rick Steves tour in Italy, the trip guide informed us on the first night meeting that if it rains we will continue right on schedule with the day's activities. She was true to her word and the times when we had rain it didn't keep the group from having fun and seeing the sites. There are some things worth spending money on if you plan on traveling as a lifetime interest:

1) good backpack or wheeled roll on that is the proper size for overhead compartments
2) good waterproof jacket
3) comfortable walking shoes
4) clothing that drys fast after hand washing
5) smart phone with travel & navigation apps & for taking pictures

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12040 posts

I think we needs James back on this website to explain why a weather forecast from 20 days out is no better than a roll of the dice.

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756 posts

Hike though the gorgeous Lauterbrunnen Valley and visit the Trümmelbach Falls.

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33339 posts

Or take the lovely walk from Mürren to Grütschalp looking across the valley at Wengen popping in and out of the clouds.

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14298 posts

Just spent a couple of days earlier in the week in Mürren. Both days it was forecast to rain, one day it started sprinkling at 4 PM as we were sitting down to a post-hike glass of wine. No rain at all the next day.

In addition to those already suggested you could easily do Almendhubel to Grütschalp (Mountain View walk) then the flattish walk back to Mürren.

Posted by
93 posts

Pam, Are you on the GAS tour..we did that tour 2 years ago. It was great. Weather was calling for rain then too it turned out to be a terrific day. We hiked in t-shirts by the end of the hike.loved,loved, loved that tour..

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5068 posts

On rainy days, in addition to having good wet weather gear, stick a pair of extra socks in your day bag. Having them has saved the day on several occasions.

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47 posts

Thanks everyone for your advice and also the suggestion that the weather can turn out better than predicted!

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177 posts

Joan we are going to be in Murren also starting the 27th on the GAS tour. Hopefully the weather will be beautiful but will be well prepared for whatever happens. Last year when we were on the BOE 21 day tour we arrived and the weather looked bleak but the day for adventure turned out to be just great. Started with a lot of layers and by the end of the day down to short sleeves. Switzerland is so beautiful so excited to see it again.

Pam let me know how the GAS tour was for you we leave on the 22nd. Getting close.

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14298 posts

Carole and Sue- yes, just finished the GAS tour yesterday and had a fantastic time! The only slight downside was it was so very hot everywhere but Mürren and Hallstatt. I loved every day of the tour, though! I so looked forward to Mürren as I, too, had a wonderful day there on the BOE. It is even better the 2nd time around. Message me if you have specific questions.

Posted by
145 posts

I agree with the first respondent, Donald. It is always good to be prepared than saying that long range forecasts don't matter - they don't, but that does not mean that you won't encounter rain!! Also, be prepared for Plan B - maybe you could consider going out of the region for the day it rains - it is not that far from Murren to other areas within Switzerland. But again, that depends on your preferences. Would you rather hike in rain with not much views (because of clouds) - we ended up doing this last year - or would you rather travel to a (relatively) sunnier place in a different region?
