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What time is the last train or lift to Murren?

Does anyone know what time is the last train or lift up to Murren in June? We're staying at the Hotel Eiger, and if we hike the other side of the mountain one day, is there anyway to walk back up if we miss the last train? I thought I remember reading somewhere it was 7pm. That seems early to turn it in for the night. Thanks.

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30 posts

Hmm... Just looked at that link, and it looks like 7pm is the last one. Am I missing something?

Lauterbrunnen BLM dep 07:01 0:23 1 LB, R

Local area map: Mürren BLM
Mürren BLM arr 07:21
Show all detailsPrintTimetable Bookletst looked at that link, and it says

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14997 posts

In Europe they use what we in the US call military time or a 24 hour clock. 0700 is 7AM. 1900 is 7PM. If you change the time in that upper box to 19:00 or 20:00 (8PM) you will get later times. There is one at 0038 or something which means 38 minutes after midnight.

You might want to write out a cheat sheet for the times.

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30 posts

Ahhh!! Silly me! I should have realized military time, but it only showed 4 times with 7 being the last one. Just thought that was the evening lift... I went back and put in a different time in the box and it pulled up lots of times. Thanks. That website is a bit confusing.

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32405 posts

You can also check schedules and times for just about anywhere in Europe using the (German Rail) website. However, they don't usually sell tickets for trains that don't originate in Germany.

The last run of the evening using the Mürren BLM route appears to be at 20:35. On the schedule I checked, the departures at 21:35 and 23:28 use the Schilthornbahn route via Stechelberg. Either way will get you to Mürren.

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30 posts

Thanks! I just downloaded the SBB app on my phone. I'll see if the Bahn has one too.

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32405 posts

Yes, there's a DB Bahn app as well. I assume your phone will have data capability during your travels as you'll need that for checking schedules if you're out touring.