We will travel by train from Salzburg to Lucerne, with a train change in Zurich, to start our 10 days trip in Swiizerland. Our must see in Switzerland is the Matterhorn. Any suggestions for a productive itinerary ( Hotels, restaurants, atttactions) for the full Alpine experience? We plan to return to Zurich 2 days before flying back to UK. We would appreciate your thoughts and input. Thank you much.
2 nights in Luzern, 3 nights in Wengen or Muerren, 2 nights in Zermatt. Extra credit for going the scenic route to Zermatt via Kandersteg, taking an extra 1 hour over the fast route.
Assume 10 days equals 9 nights with the last 2 in Zurich.
This Search offer many suggestions. Also, the RS Guide book is very helpful. And, the Scrapbooks here are great. Join a Swiss Facebook group for on the ground, real-time info.
Have a great trip!