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Weather forecast accuracy?

Excited to be in Switzerland next week. After many, many days of clear skies, it appears rain is expected indefinitely from Tuesday on. :( Has anyone had experience in terms of accuracy looking ahead? I’m hoping rain is intermittent so that we can still enjoy the mountains and a few views. 🤞. Thank you!

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8124 posts

Having been to Switzerland in 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2022 it is not accurate to look in advance. Rain has proven to be scattered or intermittent. All of the major mountain top excursion have web cams on their websites (that you can Google) or some hotels have it on the TV in your room so you can see the visibility before you decide to go up. According to some the Meteo Swiss weather ap that you can download is the most accurate.

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318 posts

We watched the forecast for each of the cities we were going to visit on our river cruise this past May and it said that we should have rain each and every day of our trip. We were pleasantly surprised to have sunny skies the entire time other than one morning of light
sprinkles. Although the forecasts are helpful, you should be prepared for surprises just as here at home. Have a great trip!

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52 posts

Thank you! We are absolutely expecting rain to pop up just as it does here at home. I was just hopeful that we would have some sunshine in the mix too. I’m optimistic! :)

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3003 posts

Like jazz mentioned, be sure to use the meteo swiss app or website as it is super accurate. If you are checking on the weather channel app or website that will show rain almost every day in Switzerland.

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408 posts

We're in the midst of one of the hottest and driest summers ever here and some areas are now entering drought conditions - I wouldn't expect that to change next week. It is supposed to get more humid over the next few days, and that does often mean showers/thunderstorms (especially in/near the mountains), typically in the late afternoon/early evening.
You might see raindrops in the forecast, but I wouldn't expect day-long downpours or anything that would ruin your trip. Usually clouds build up during the day and then a t-storm or a few showers roll through. The rain can be heavy, but doesn't usually last long. Just use the recommended meteoswiss forecasts and try to get going early in the day.
Also, in my experience, the weather predictions here, even on the best sites, are not always accurate beyond ~5 days or so - you just have to keep checking.

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37 posts

I too have heard the meteoswiss gives the most accurate weather - however I am unable to get the app in English for my iphone! Safe travels - I am sure the trip will be amazing rain or shine - we will be there in September!

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37 posts

Thank you Carrie! I can get English on the web version- just not my iPhone-

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120 posts

I downloaded the Meteo Swiss app and can read it just fine but I do not see any reports regarding the mountain areas surrounding Lauterbrunnen. From the above comments, I had understood that I would be able to see current mountaintop conditions. I do see current conditions in various cities and towns but none listed near Lauterbrunnen. I read above also that these conditions can be seen in hotels but we will be staying in an Airbnb. Any other advice on how to find current conditions prior to heading up the mountains to hike?

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3003 posts

ksb1949, for live conditions on the mountains, you can check out the webcameras for the mountains. It’s easy to find these with a simple google search. For example, if I google “schilthorn live webcam” the first search result is what I want:

Scroll down past the weather forecast to view the camera. Very cloudy up there right now.