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Visiting CERN

It appears we could add a visit here after a hike around Mont Blanc next summer, as we will be close to Geneva and could fly out of there. According to this website, we can only book individual visits 15 days in advance.

Has anyone here done this, and did you need to book right on the minute the booking window opened? If so, what time was that (in Switzerland)? Midnight there, or maybe 8 am? We would have to do this on a particular day as I will make our flight reservations around this well ahead of time.

Any advice or thoughts on the visit appreciated!

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  • Every day at 8:30 a.m. (Geneva time) new slots are opened for tours scheduled for 15 days later as well as for the additional tour scheduled for 3 days later.
  • Tours of CERN are always very popular and the tour slots fill up quite quickly.