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Unlimited Summer Jungfrau Pass

Is it easy to get the Unlimited Summer Jungfrau Pass at the Interlaken Ost railway station? I can't seem to figure out how to purchase the pass online with a discount using my already purchased Swiss Half Fare Card. The online website does not ask for my Swiss Half Fare Card information at any point and I would otherwise have to pay full price.

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2448 posts

There is nothing to enter when buying a ticket or a pass, because your discount entitlement is not checked during purchase. It is the same with tickets where you also cannot "enter" your half fare card.

So you just indicate you have the card, and during an inspection you show both the pass and the half fare card. I have to do that occasionally (I have the Summer Pass).
I am however not entirely sure if you can use the Tourist half fare card to claim a reduction on the unlimited Summer Pass. That product is aimed more at residents. But I do know that you can easily buy it at the station in Interlaken Ost. So I would just go to the ticket office there.

The issue may be that your HFC is only valid for a month, whereas the Summer Pass is valid the whole season. So you would not be able to use it anymore after the HFC expires.

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11699 posts

You might want to compare the Jungfrau Pass with the Berner Oberland Regional Pass. The BORP does qualify for the HFC discount and is available in various durations up to 10 days. Are you expecting to be there for a very long stay? In my experience with the Jungfrau Pass, it does not cover the journey to Mürren via Stechelberg nor does it cover the Post Bus routes, so if any of that is in your plan it might not noodle out as economical.

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601 posts

The Unlimited Jungfrau Pass is different validity than the Jungfrau Pass - it covers everything from Interlaken Ost and into the mountains and is meant for long term stays over 2 weeks. We live here in the summer and use it and yes you can use your HFC with it, you just select “reduced” at check out. If you’re still having trouble, yes you can purchase at the Interlaken Ost train station but I’ll warn you that some employees aren’t aware of what it is, so you may need to pull up the website, etc if you get someone unaware. We always purchase ours online and pick up the physical card at the Murren train station on our first day. They give you a temporary QR code when you buy online that you show at the train station. If you’re having trouble and need help you can private message me.

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21 posts

We are staying for 14 days. The Unlimited Jungfrau Summer Pass website advertises that you get a reduced price with the Swiss Half Fare Card but then they don’t have an option to enter your Swiss Half Fare Card information to get the reduced rate. Is it a scam? Very misleading! Very frustrating.

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21028 posts

No, they trust you to say that if you want the Half Fare Price, you will have one during the time you are using it. If someone checks your ticket (they will) and you do not have your Half Fare Card, then you are traveling on an invalid pass and you will be fined on the spot.

Nothing at all scammy. The Swiss assume they are dealing with grownups who know the rules.

So just go ahead and buy at the Half Fare price. Then carry your Half Fare Card at all times while traveling.

Posted by
134 posts

“Is it easy to get the Unlimited Summer Jungfrau Pass at the Interlaken Ost railway station?”

Yes, it is easy to get the Unlimited Summer Jungfrau Pass at the Interlaken Ost railway station. However, the station can sometimes be very busy, so take a number as soon as you enter and wait for your turn. When your number is called, show your half fare card and your order confirmation with a pick-up code that you will have received by email. You will be given a plastic card. Show this and your half fare card when asked for it on trains. When taking mountain lifts, simply tap your Summer Pass card on the side panel as you approach the turnstile. There is no need to show it to anyone or scan it; just tap, and the turnstile will unlock for you. It's very easy!

I agree with @WengenK that you likely need to purchase the year-long Half Fare Card (HFC), since the Summer Pass is valid for six months. It’s unclear if they will issue the pass to someone who only has a one-month HFC.

@Wanderweg, are you there for more than one month? Do you have the year-long HFC?

Is it a scam? It seems very misleading and frustrating.

This is not a scam. The HFC works this way with any purchase in Switzerland. Follow the advice given above, and you will be fine.

I personally wonder if this is the best option for a tourist. Since you are staying for a longer visit, you have many opportunities to see more than just this part of the Jungfrau Region. Something like the BO pass will give you access to lakes, scenic train rides, Giessbach waterfall, numerous other mountain excursions and hiking opportunities, and options for inclement weather, such as a trip to Bern or the Beatus caves. By choosing the Summer Jungfrau Pass, you are limiting yourself to a very small area.

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601 posts

Cihajim - sorry, but you are incorrect. Did you read my response to you? As I stated, you select “reduced” at check out and that sells you it at the correct price for having a half fare card. Half Fare Cards in Switzerland don’t work by “putting in” any info about your HFC. They trust you to have it when you pay the reduced price and then sometimes when they check tickets on trains they’ll ask to see it. Again, as I stated, if you’re having trouble I’ll help you if you message me. We just purchased ours a couple weeks ago for the 3rd time this way, so I know that it works, you just may not be looking in the correct spot.

@Laurel - it started out as the “Corona Pass” during 2021/22 and then converted into what it is now once they saw that locals and long term visitors were finding it helpful. We bought it for the first time as the “Corona Pass” in 2022 and then in 23 and this year we’ve bought it as the Unlimited Summer Jungfrau Pass. This year they made it valid all the way from April to November, so basically you can get a ski pass in the winter and this for the rest of the year. It’s super helpful for us, as we purchase the year long HFC meant for residents and this. Being in Murren and not having to buy tickets every day has been so nice, since none of the tourist passes are long enough for people who stay all summer. And we do a lot of hiking from around the Schilthorn, so having that included for free is a big bonus to us as well.

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601 posts

@SwissNomad - yes, we live in Murren for the summer every year. We get the year HFC. If you stay in the Jungfrau for 14 or more days the Unlimited Pass + HFC is definitely the way to go because you’ll get everything from Interlaken and into the mountains covered and then just supplement your day trips using the HFC. Otherwise you end up having to buy multiple passes to cover the length of stay. I’ve done the math for people visiting us and under 14 days it’s better to do something like to BO pass + HFC but once you hit 14+ days it’s worth it. Which obviously isn’t the typical tourist, so I only recommend to a small group of unicorns :)

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134 posts

Thanks for the info @Wanderweg ;-)

Since the Jungfrau Summer Pass hasn't been mentioned often in this forum, here is a comparison for a 14 day stay. A lot will depend on exactly what you want to see and do.

Unlimited Jungfrau Summer Pass

  • Regular price: 549.00 CHF
  • With HFC: 449.00 CHF
  • One month HFC 120.00 CHF
  • Total: HFC + reduced Summer Pass = 569.00 CHF


  • Includes unlimited journeys to Jungfraujoch and Schilthorn


  • Area of validity is considerably smaller than the Berner Oberland Pass

Berner Oberland Pass (10 days)

  • Regular price: 435.00 CHF

  • With one month HFC: 316.00 CHF

  • One-month HFC cost: 120.00 CHF

  • Total: HFC + 10-day BO Pass = 436.00 CHF

Berner Oberland Pass (4 days)

  • Regular price: 280.00 CHF

  • With HFC: 196.00 CHF

  • Total for 14 days: HFC 120.00 + 316.00 (10-day pass) + 196.00 (4-day pass) = 632.00 CHF

Additional Excursions:

  • Jungfraujoch: 99.00 CHF

  • Mürren - Schilthorn return: 85.00 CHF (less if you hike one or more sections)


  • Covers a much larger area of validity
  • Includes a multitude of mountain gondolas, plus boats, scenic train rides and reduced admission to many attractions


  • Jungfraujoch and Schilthorn require additional payment


Consider whether you need the Berner Oberland Pass for the entire 14 days. If your arrival and departure days are light on activities and you want to save your hikes around Mürren for days you do not have a pass, then the 10-day BO Pass might be more suitable. You could even add the Jungfraujoch and Schilthorn if the weather is good, but save yourself some money if it is not.

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21 posts

Wanderweg, I did select “reduced” at checkout and it only listed the full price for the Unlimited Jungfrau Summer Pass. For the rest of you, we are only interested in exploring the Jungfrau region because we are hikers. We completely hike out regions when we travel. We are not interested in traveling all over the BO region or other areas of Switzerland. Maybe on another trip…

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21 posts

Wanderweg, what website are you using to buy the Unlimited pass at the reduced price?

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134 posts

There is only one website for purchasing the pass.
When you are filling out the personal information, below where you add your birthdate, you will see “Adults” and a drop-down menu choose “Reduced”. Now you will see the price change to 449.00

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134 posts

I am a little sorry to hear that you do not want to hike elsewhere, but you will definitely enjoy this region, it is where most of the tourists like to go. Have a wonderful trip!

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17284 posts

I just worked through the purchase (without paying of course) it is worked just as described, changing to 449 CHF when I chose “reduced”. Note that you need to upload a photo too.

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11699 posts

I asked [email protected] about using a one month HFC with the Unlimited Summer Jungfrau Oass and they said

Yes the Swiss Half Fare Card for one month is sufficient to buy the Unlimited Jungfrau Summer Pass. But it’s only valid until the last day of your Swiss Half Fare Card.

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134 posts

@Laurel, good to know! That definitely makes a difference. I'll update my post above to reflect the correct HFC cost of $120.00 rather than the year long one.

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601 posts

A consideration to add to your comparisons - when staying for an extended period of time in Murren with the specific purpose of hiking a lot (as original poster plans), Schilthorn/Birg becomes more than just a one time viewing platform. There are many hiking trails to/from these spots. Living here all summer we use the Birg/Schilthorn Cable car weekly as part of our hiking. So while tourists who come here for a few days see it as a quick viewing stop, long term visitors may use it in a different way. Thus, Schilthorn included in the Unlimited Pass has a lot higher value. With the BO pass, you’d have to pay for it every single time.

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134 posts

Absolutely @Wanderweg! I have the pass and love it, using it over the entire eight months. It's definitely different for me to think of it being valuable for a two-week visit, but for those who want to focus on this part of the Jungfrau Region, it's great!

For anyone with only a few days, there is also this fun pass:

Holiday Pass Mürren - Schilthorn

Valid for 4 or 6 consecutive days for unlimited journeys on the following routes:

  • Stechelberg – Mürren – Birg – Schilthorn
  • Mürren – Allmendhubel
  • Lauterbrunnen – Trümmelbach – Stechelberg
  • Lauterbrunnen – Isenfluh – Sulwald


4 days = 98.00 CHF with HFC

6 days = 108.00 CHF with HFC

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11699 posts

The Unlimited Jungfrau Summer Pass (UJSP) will save us over CHF 500.00 per person on our 2024 trip. I estimate travel within the Berner Oberland but outside the zone for this pass may run us CHF 100.00 per person additional, but still enormous savings over our 24 night stay. Delighted to see the Jungfraujoch and Schilthorn included as wanderweg points out, there are reasons to go up to the Schilthorn more than once. Definitely will be featured in my 2025 book update.