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Traveling from Lake Geneva, Switzerland to Lake Como, Italy

Can you please tell me if we can travel easily from Lake Geneva, Switzerland to Lake Como, Italy? We have reservations in both places in late September but my husband was a race car driver and I do NOT want to drive with him through the mountains. Can we take trains, or is that route too long and complicated? We could always change our last night reservation in Lake Geneva and travel by train to another location in Switzerland that is easier to travel to Lake Como from, so looking for advice from anyone that has done train travel there and has advice. Thank you!

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21027 posts

Where are you staying on Lake Geneva and here are you staying on Lake Como? It should not be too difficult to travel by rail in late September.

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21027 posts

A little bit of googling tells me you are going from Montreux to Cernobbio.

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2448 posts

We have booked Grand Hotel Suisse Majestic in Lake Geneva, and in Lake
Como Villa D’Este.

A little bit of googling tells me you are going from Montreux to

This is a kind reminder that if you want us to help you, you need to help us help you...

"Lake Geneva" and "Lake Como" are rather large areas. Trains do not run to lakes, they run to train stations. And there are something like 20 railway stations on Lake Geneva (and some of them are in France), and also quite a handful on lake Como. It is a good idea to know where you are going to be. Do not rely on us volunteers do do all the research for you...

Easiest is probablly going to be Montreux - Milano - Como. Should take 4h10m, not much different from how long it would take to drive. But for that you will have to wait till the September train schedule is published. So wait till mid August or so, and then book this on

Alternatively you can do this mostly via Switzerland, via Luzern. Again wait a bit till the september schedule is final, and then book this on

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7 posts

I definitely did not mean to make anyone on here work harder than I was. I was stressing out about thinking that train travel from these two hotels/cities was not possible and that I would have to change our reservations. I wasn’t even sure anyone was going to answer or be able to help me, so thanks for the reminder for ME to do more work prior to asking. The Grand Hotel Suisse Majestic is in the heart of Montreux directly on the banks of Lake Geneva and evidently is a 5 minute walk from the center of town and across from the MAIN train station. So that should be easy enough to get ON a train. However, I am not a veteran of train travel in Europe, (and we’re seniors) so just not sure if we book ahead of time to assure a good seat (wouldn’t mind first class if it’s an option) and want to make sure we are educated about how/where to transfer, etc. I heard something about the MOB Goldenpass and do not know what that is, so will research that. Also, our destination then is to Villa d’Este which is in Cernobbio, Como, Italy. I think we will have to take the train from the Montreux Central station to Milan Centrale, (and don’t know if that will involve transfers) and then Milan Centrale to either the Como San Giovanni station (which leaves every hour) or the Como Lago Station (which leaves every half hour). I will research those locations to see which one is closest to Cernobbio, but sure that we will either have to take a taxi or a ferry to get from the train to the hotel. That’s not an issue, just want to be clear on the extent/length/complications of the train travel and if it’s best to start early, etc. Thank you in advance for any sharing of knowledge you have of this route or taking the trains in these regions. I will research on the websites that you have listed.

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2448 posts

By late September there should be direct trains from Montreux to Milano again, so you could do Montreux - Como with just one transfer in a bit over 4 hours then. In Como then just take a taxi.

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21027 posts

The trains to Como Lago go from Milano Cadorna station, and you would need to change stations, either by Metro or taxi. So stick to trains to Como S. Giovanni from Milano Centrale. That station is more convenient to Cernobbio anyway, and taxi availability is better.

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7 posts

So with the great information that you have provided AND I know now to wait until mid-August for a train schedule for September for Switzerland/Italy, can anyone tell me if there is a way to book first class whether it just be a class or a car and not a particular seat, or if there is any kind of luggage limit? I know that to travel most efficiently via train it would be best to have less luggage, but combining a cruise and train travel is not going to be ideal. I want to be prepared when those schedules come out next month to know how to make the best reservation and not miss my window of opportunity. Especially if they are a priority and of course a limited number. In the meantime I will visit their websites and look for myself to educate myself more. Those of you who have done this often though provide a wealth of information and shortcuts. Thanks!

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213 posts

You can purchase first class tickets or reserve seats when you book the tickets, if it is possible (not all trains have first class accomodation or reservable seats). As far as luggage is concerned, there are no official restrictions, but you will have to carry all the luggage yourself, so it isn't a good idea to get a train with more luggage than you and your companions can carry on or off the train in one go.