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travel from Sursee to Lucerne

What will be the best way to travel from Sursee to Lucerne?
Is there UBER in the area?

What attractions are worth seeing in Sursee?

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2331 posts

The best way to travel just about anywhere in Switzerland is by train. Just google Sursee to Lucerne and click on the train symbol to see the options. If you are buying a train pass, it will cover the journey.

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32883 posts

curious - if you don't know what's in Sursee, why are you going there? Not on most American's radar.

Easy train trip. 20 to 30 minutes straight there. The faster trains make no stops, the S-bahns make a few.

Nice lake. Good pizza.

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32883 posts

If I were staying in Sursee I'd pop in and out of Luzern, a lovely place.

Both Sursee and Sempach, the town at the other end of the small lake, are nice small towns focussed on the lake, and as I said you can get pizza.

There isn't any special sightseeing at either though...