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Trains or car Zurich to Grindelwald

Party of four flying in on a Monday morning. How much are the trains and travel time versus hiring a private car? Recommendations please

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20937 posts

I'd go with a train.

How long will you be staying in Grindelwald? When is this trip? What else will you be doing in Grindelwald? Where are you going after you leave Grindelwald?

Need these answers to these questions to make an intelligent recommendation.

Posted by
11634 posts

Trains are such a joy in Switzerland! So easy and relaxing, especially after a long flight when you are brain dead. As Sam suggested, give us additional details and we can offer more specifics.

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7258 posts

Zürich airport - Grindelwald costs about 90-100 francs per person in second class without discounts. But given that you will also need to use trains in Grindelwald, and to go back to an airport, you should get a discount card (Half Fare card, 120 francs/person), or one of the available travel passes.

Posted by
84 posts

We are going from Zurich to Grindelwald
Monday to Thursday.

Doing First, the canyon, Junfraujoch, and pfingstegg
Friday back to Zurich then leaving on Sunday. I appreciate any recommendations on itinerary trains restaurants etc. we are going to hike to the lake at First and maybe to Pfingstegg. Thanks

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4742 posts

you should reach out to the Aplins in the Alps for their thoughts

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2375 posts

Definitely get the half fare card. And then just buy tickets. You can get that all at the airport.

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4034 posts

We’re leaving for Switzerland on Monday and staying at the other side of the Lauterbrünnen valley. We would never rent a car. We don’t rent anywhere in Europe. Maybe it’s because we live in NYC and don’t own a car; the freedom of public transportation is fantastic especially in Switzerland.

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2375 posts

TAking public transport here is part of the Swiss experience. Coming to Switzerland and not riding our trains is like going to Italy and not trying to local food...