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Trains from Zurich to Lausanne to Lucerne to Verona, Italy

We just booked trains through Euro Rail and then read terrible reviews:-(. Based on the cities I listed above, what company should we buy our train tickets from? (I'm fine with the Italian portion, we bought through Trenitalia, it's the Swizerland portion I'm concerned about). Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.

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Eurail is just an agent. Whatever terrible review you read of them are probably written by the small proportion of travellers that go on train trips without any knowledge on how the train system works, and the complete wrong expectations. Tickets sold by Eurail are fine. However buying your tickets from the company actually operating the trains is better.

So indeed, buy from They can even sell you Luzern to Verona.
Note that it is not necessary to buy train tickets in advance. Trains are mass transit, used by people to go about their daily business. That they can be used by tourists as well is a side effect :-). However sometimes buying a ticket in advance does give you a discount. You can play around with the train planners to see how big the advance purchase discounts are.