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Train ticket

Can I get a train from luzern to Basel in time to get to the airport for an 8:30/ flight

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20390 posts

Assuming you mean 8:30 am, there is a 4:54 am train to Basel that will get you to Basel SBB by 5:56 am to get the 6:06 am bus to Basel airport by 6:24 am, which should be sufficient for an 8:30 am flight. That is the first train of the day

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33209 posts

Where are you flying to from Basel ?

I think that's been ignored.

I was wondering if it is indeed Basel (the tiny EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg) as most flights are Zurich or Geneva.

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20390 posts

I think that the OP is coming off one the Rhine cruises from Amsterdam to Basel. People I know did that and they bought the airfare from the cruise company with a spec to add a certain number of days in Switzerland. The cruise company makes all the flights return from Basel, thus the OP has no choice in the matter, only the number of extra days.