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Train from Paris to Lauterbrunnen

After putting this complicated (4 different trains) trip together (and buying the nonrefundable tickets!) I am a little concerned about the connections of 6 and 8 minutes ( we go via Lyon to Basel to Interlaken Ost to Lauterbrunnen).
Ie. we cannot afford to miss any of these trains.
Has anyone either done this run or at least have enough experience making such connections on French trains (there are 5 of us which just adds to the potential for error).
Any way to get a map of train station layouts etc?
I have emailed my ticketing agency for advice but to no avail!

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32419 posts


Could you clarify if you're changing trains in Lyon? A change time of 6-8 minutes should be more than adequate, especially in Switzerland where platform numbers are usually listed. There should be Conductors standing in the platforms, so if you're not clear on which platform your next train is departing from, ask one of them.

Once you board the train from Basel to Interlaken, it's all fairly straightforward. When the train arrives in Interlaken, wait for the second stop which is Interlaken Ost. When you disembark from the train, look for the small Berner Oberlandbahn which should be waiting. If you should miss the Berner Oberland train, not a big deal, as there will be another along in a short time. When you board, be sure to note the small digital display on the side of the car to ensure that the destination of that car is Lauterbrunnen (some trains split in Zweilütschinen). After a short ~20 minute ride, you'll arrive in Lauterbrunnen.

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8889 posts

Why are you changing trains in Lyon? There are plenty of direct trains from Paris to Basel, and even one train per day direct from Paris to Interlaken Ost. Going via Lyon will take longer and probably cost more.
Who did you buy these tickets from?

Rail tickets in Switzerland are valid on any train (unlike French tickets). There is no reservation in Switzerland. So, once you get to Basel you can go on any train, it does not matter if you miss the next connection. And, there are two trains per hour from Basel to Interlaken and from Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen, so you have plenty of choice.

10 minutes is enough time to change trains at Basel SBB, and 5 minutes is enough at Interlaken Ost. These trains are designed to connect.
Station plan Basel SBB:
Station plan Interlaken Ost:

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8889 posts

On second thoughts, there aren’t any direct trains from Lyon to Basel. You either have to go via Geneva or via Mulhouse.
It is possibly to get from Paris to Lauterbrunnen going Paris --> Lyon --> Geneva --> Interlaken, but Paris --> Basel --> Interlaken is shorter, quicker and probably cheaper. Paris --> Lyon --> Basel --> Interlaken is a zig-zag.
So exactly what tickets has this "ticketing agency" sold you? And who exactly are they?

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21749 posts

Are you sure you are not leaving from Gare de Lyon, which is on the southeast side of central Paris? That is where the trains going to Basel depart from.

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9092 posts

I did this journey from Lauterbrunnen to Paris. (I am assuming you meant the train station in Paris, Gare de Lyon)

The connections were quick but quite doable. Often you will pull into the station and simply cross the platform to the next train.

You will want to be up and near the door with your luggage prior to arriving at the station. The members of your party should all be able to manage their own luggage. Watch out for the "Sherpa" men who are trying to manage two massive suitcases while their wives stand and watch, apparently quite helpless. They often jam the doorway as they struggle with their terrific weight lifting task.