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Train from Lucerne to Zermatt

Hello travelers,

I was just booking train tickets from Lucerne to Zermatt, when I noticed that the inter changes in Bern and Visp have 6 minutes between arriving and the next train departure.
Could you please tell me if it is easy to leave one train and get in the next one with such short time?
Thanks in advance,

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20128 posts

If you have the time, go like this. Luzern to Interlaken Ost (very scenic, sit on the right) to Spiez, to Brig via Kandersteg (very scenic, sit on the right), to Zermatt. Remember, at Brig, the train to Zermatt is actually in the street in front of the station building. That will take an extra 2 1/2 hours to get to Zermatt.

A compromise is to take the Regional Express train from Luzern to Bern. Its more scenic, and a comfortable transfer time in Bern to the Regional Express to Brig. This way takes an extra 1 1/2 hours.

Up to you, just some options to consider

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1684 posts

The railway will not suggest impossible connections. 6 minutes is not short, it is efficient. SBB knows that its customers prefer being on a train, rather than on a cold platform, so they try to keep connections under 10 minutes.

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24 posts

Thank you all for your kind replies.

So , with the Half Fare Card can I apply when buying the Intercity trains?


Silvia Bohlke

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20128 posts

Yes, Half Fare Card works on all trains buses, boats,local transportation, and most mountain lifts.