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Train choices

Traveling between Zürich, Luzern, Zurmatte and Geneva.
Looking for recommendations on train travel for this itinerary.
Thanks in advance for the guidance

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23735 posts

What kind of recommendation? I would take the first train headed in the correction direction at a time I preferred. Trains are all pretty much the same. Only difference is service level and we are fine with 2nd class most of the time. I am sure I am missing something/

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21748 posts

Zurich to Luzern is just a straight forward IR that goes twice per hour in 45 to 55 minutes.

Luzern to Zermatt can be done the fast, uninspired way, through Bern and the Loetschberg Base Tunnel to Visp, then Zermatt. Alternate scenic route is through Interlaken, Spiez, Kandersteg, and Brig. Takes a bit longer. Another option is to Goeschenen, Andermatt, and Brig.

Zermatt to Geneva has only one real option, Visp, to Geneva.

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74 posts

Are you looking for guidance regarding some kind of Swiss Rail Pass? It depends on how long your stay in Switzerland is and how much you will be traveling on the trains.