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Train/Bus from Visp or Brig to Zermatt

I plan to travel by train from Lucerne to Zermatt the end of October and I seem to have hit a roadblock when I get to Visp or Brig. It appears there are buses and a short train ride in both directions but they either do not operate on my travel days, a Friday going to Zermatt and the Monday following coming back or if operating only do so very early in the morning and only one or two at that.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to get to Zermatt without having to take a taxi or rent a car which obviously are very expensive?

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20987 posts

Where, on earth, are you getting your information? There are replacement buses two times per hour from Visp, at 8 and 41 past the hour, to Taesch where you change to the train for the last stretch to Zermatt. A storm early this summer damaged the train tracks between Visp and Taesch and they are still working to get them repaired.

Look it up at

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2430 posts

The line was fixed, but is now again closed for engineering works that had been planned a long time ago, and that just can' be moved...