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Thunderstorm Effects

Sounds like the Lauterbrunnen valley got a lot of damage a few days ago from a terrible thunderstorm…flooding, hail, road destruction…..anyone know if that will have long term effects on a trip there in a month? Thank you!

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3001 posts

Hi Jane--

There are some links here that have some info. :

i think similar to the aftermath of the June storms in Zermatt, it's going to be a wait and see. I think the bulk of the damage was in Brienze. There was some damage to some train tracks, but it sounds like replcement buses are already running.

I'm sure the locals will keep everyone updated here on the forum.

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109 posts

the Lauterbrunnen valley got a lot of damage

It was not the Lauterbrunnen Valley but rather the neighbouring valley leading to Grindelwald.

Lauterbrunnen, Wengen and Mürren remained accessible and in fact it was through Wengen that people were able to get in and out of Grindelwald. As was mentioned above, Brienz sustained the greatest amount of damage.

Here is a newspaper (German) with photos of the storm and ongoing clean-up

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169 posts

I am staying in Brienz at the end of September.
I have already contacted my apartment host to inquire.
Brienz has sustained major damage to a rather small, but essential area of town- the train station, train tracks and ferry station.
Replacement buses are running between here and Interlaken.
They hope to have THIS transport area much rebuilt in a month, but a grocery store, hotel/restaurant and TI sustained massive damage, and will take much more time, IF even salvagable.