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Switzerland—US to be removed from “high-risk” list by May 2.

This is from MySwissAlps (an unofficial source):

It looks like all countries that are currently still on Switzerland's
'high-risk country list' will be removed from this list by May 2 2022.
This would mean that from May 2, normal entry rules apply to all
travelers as they were before the pandemic. Proof of vaccination
and/or recovery shouldn't be required anymore.

This will mean no more proof of vaccine to enter the country. A relief to those concerned about the 270 day time-limit on the vaccine.

NOTE: I don’t like to post without having an official source, but I know many have been waiting for this news. Once I see the change reflected on the official Gov. website, I will post a link.

Edited to add link to gov. site (look under "entry"):

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605 posts

Wow, if this is correct big news for Swiss enthusiasts who don't have to worry about the 270 day issue anymore. Also, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the US necessarily, more like Switzerland just going the route of UK, Scandinavia, Hungary, Czechia, Poland etc and reverting to pre pandemic travel rules?

If this happens it makes sense in that as far as I've been able to find out most countries that have reduced internal covid restrictions have also opened up travel entry rules as well.

Also, it would be the first heavily touristed country on the continent (not counting UK) to be back to 2019 standards.

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605 posts

update, the SEM page, the state secretary for migration says " the usual rules for entering Switzerland will apply" after May 2, and "the entry restrictions currently in place will be lifted".

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605 posts

To be clear, the SEM website doesn't specifically say Covid related restrictions in its announcement, but that most likely is what they are referring to one would think.

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3343 posts

rob, the paper--tages-anzeiger--states that it is the covid restrictions that will be lifted:

Travelers from abroad will soon be able to enter Switzerland or apply
for a visa again under the usual conditions. On May 2nd, the last
remaining entry restrictions due to the pandemic will be lifted.

From Monday in a week's time, the normal requirements for trips to
Switzerland will apply again, as the State Secretariat for Migration
(SEM) announced on Thursday evening in the short message service

Here's the link to the gov. tweet: