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Switzerland - Swaziland....What's the difference?

Which one has better fondue?

Posted by
5837 posts

Austria vs Australia. Which one has the kangaroos?

I regret not buying the "Austria, with no kangaroos" patch.

Posted by
7131 posts

Just how did Australia get into the conversation? The OP asked about Switzerland vs Swaziland (which is in South Africa).

Either way, I would venture to say that it's a 'troll' post. I doubt they serve fondue in Swaziland.

Posted by
28 posts

"Do not be a troll. "Trolls" post messages intended to infuriate you and elicit a response."
Hey! I'm not trying to infuriate ANYBODY! Just trying to have a little fun on Friday, that's all.

Posted by
996 posts

The webmaster officially approves being goofy today. Tomorrow, though... eeesh... ;)

Posted by
4637 posts

I am going to reply with the question? Where would you rather live; Switzerland or Swaziland and why? See? And your question is already answered. By you.

Posted by
28 posts

Hi Ilja:
Switzerland is the most beautiful country on the planet, so I would LOVE to live in the land of my maternal grandparents, specifically in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Swaziland, while I'm sure it's a fine place, not so much.
My obviously stupid question was just a variation of the Austria - Australia confusion that those that don't travel or never paid attention in Geography Class might have. I was hoping for some clever responses from fellow Rickniks, but to no avail, as yet.
P.S. - I loved your Czech Republic also - a fantastic place.

Posted by
2269 posts

I get it- but the older I get, the more I have to adjust my glasses to make sure I'm reading things correctly,

Now, Washington vs Washington- which one is the state and which one is the Capitol? Living in the state, we have to say, " Washington, the one above California." Understandable in foreign places, but not so much in USA.

Humor is a good thing.

Posted by
11680 posts

Hey Patty, As a transplanted Oregonian, I have to ask: why do you not say "the one above Oregon?" :-) It's funny, when I tell Italians I am from Oregon most of them look at me oddly and I have to say "north of California." Then they say "Isn't that Washington?"

On the note of Switzerland-Swaziland, there's Oakland and Auckland. I believe a few years ago there was a traveler who boarded the wrong plane because they sound alike on a PA system.

Posted by
1028 posts

Sometime after I moved to Switzerland, a friend back in Ireland asked me if I had received a package she'd sent me, which I had not. It turned up almost three months later, it had been misdirected to... You guessed it!

Posted by
9369 posts

I did a study abroad semester in Austria years and years ago. When I came back and mentioned it, my friends (all of them clueless, untraveled college kids) would invariably say they had always wanted to go there, and did I see kangaroos? I would have loved one of the patches Kent mentioned!

Posted by
5697 posts

"There are no kangaroos in Austria" t-shirts and placards are still big sellers in Salzburg and Vienna as of last month.

Posted by
2252 posts

no real comment except to say I am truly enjoying following this light-hearted post. Thank you for the smiles!

Posted by
2269 posts

Laurel- I didn't realize I'd had that big an impact on the Italian sense of geography! I grew up in Oregon and it wasn't meant as dis, it's just most Europeans know where CA is. Actually, they all seem to know a lot more about us than we do about them.

Posted by
11680 posts

Patty - I didn't take it as a dis. I am just amused that we have to reference CA, including the Italians. They do know more about us than we do of them, although I think the center of the U.S. is kind of a muddle for Europeans and places like Oregon a little vague to most.

Posted by
28 posts

Time to end this thread with yet another stoopid question:
Big drum roll.......

Tanzania or Tennessee...What's the difference?
Which one has better barbeque?

Never mind. I'd love to visit both locations some day.

Happy and safe travels to one and all, no matter where you are from and where you are going. Don't let the bad guys - i.e. terrorists - keep you at home.

Posted by
8889 posts

Re Washington. There is only one original and genuine Washington, in Tyne-and-Wear (formerly in County Durham).
I understand a certain family, whose original home was in this town and who were named after it, later gained (in)famy overseas. Any places named after this family are minor places and should not be called 'Washington' without a qualifier. :-)

Posted by
4765 posts

Just as entertaining but potentially more nerve wracking is when the sky cap has to select the proper luggage tag, all those 3 letter codes can be easily confused