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Switzerland-France Itinerary for trip in October - How much to pre-plan?

We are planning a trip for the last three weeks of October to Switzerland and Burgundy area of France, and would like feedback on how far in advance to make hotel reservations. So far the first week and last two days are reserved, and need to decide if we should nail down the middle part of the itinerary or play it by ear once we are there.

Our draft itinerary is as follows: fly into Geneva—>Lausanne (3 days) >Murren/Berner Oberland (3 days)>Bern/Lucerne (2 days)>Zermatt-(2-3 days)>Chamonix(1 day)->Annecy (2 days)>Lyon (2 days)>Beune area/wineries. (4 days)—>Geneva(2 days) (fly home).

What would you do?

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5407 posts

Check to see when the lifts start closing in October. You may want to go to the Berner Oberland at the beginning of your trip. Enjoy this beautiful country!

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480 posts

There is snow forecasted for September 13-14 in Mürren…earlier than usual, according to the TI person in Lauterbrunnen. Just thought I’d mention that as you’re deciding on the order of your cities. I agree with the other poster that you might wish to come to the Jungfrau region first.

Two years ago, in mid September, we found that many of the lifts in Chamonix closed the day before we arrived, which really limited our options for “lift up…hike across…lift down” adventures. Might have been September 15th or so. We didn’t know this ahead of time, so I want to be sure others aren’t caught off guard while planning.

Have a great trip!!


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7258 posts

I do not think you need the last 2 days in Geneva. Half a day is plenty, unless you have a CERN visit scheduled.
Conversely, 1 night in Chamonix is a bit tight coming from Zermatt (you will not get to Chamonix before early afternoon).

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11 posts

Thanks all for the feedback. We have now updated our itinerary to go straight to Annecy from Zermatt, and just drive through Chamonix to have more time in Burgundy area;however, I am still keeping options open for the middle of our trip to allow for weather changes.
I now have booked reservations at Olivier Leflaive in Puligney-Montrachet for 3 nights and in Chablis for 3 nights. I found out the Chablis Wine Festival is happening the weekend we are there so very excited about that!

Has anyone attended the Fête des Vins de Chablis(