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Swiss Weather App recommendations

This is SUCH an American thing to ask, but can someone recommend a good weather app for Switzerland that includes an option for either Celsius or Fahrenheit? 🙄 I downloaded MeteoSwiss based on a recent recommendation here, but -- you guessed it -- no option for Fahrenheit. I know apps like Weather Underground are decent for Europe generally, but is there another good one that the Swiss particularly like, especially given how complicated the weather is around the Alps? Or, if MeteoSwiss is truly the best, let me know and I'll start practicing my Celsius to Fahrenheit conversions!

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2701 posts

MeteoSwiss is the best. Just do what I do and ask siri what X Celsius is in Fahrenheit. 😊

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383 posts

Not specifically a Swiss app, but I use MeteoBlue a lot. You can adjust the settings to fit whichever measurement you prefer for temperature, wind speed and rain amounts. They also have good maps with things like sunshine hours.
Otherwise, the simplest way to get a rough conversion from C to F is double and add 30. So 20 C would be 70F. Usually close enough.

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466 posts

When I really need to know the weather for things like hikes, I cross reference MeteoBlue, MeteoSwiss, Bergfex, AccuWeather and Webcams to try to get the best possible picture :)

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50 posts

Any chance there a MeteoSwiss option to provide weather alerts in English?

Like Carrie, I also have used Siri and Google voice search. My other workaround is to remember the temperature conversions the 10, 20 and 30C and estimate in between. Like Carrie, I also have used Siri and Google voice search.