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Swiss Trip Report

My wife and I were recently in Europe and spent one week in Switzerland. We flew into Zurich and took the train to Lucerne and spent two nights there which were very pleasant. We looked around the city and enjoyed the covered bridge and old town area to explore. We took the funicular to the top of a mountain that has a hotel and restaurant and enjoyed the views from there. We took the recommendation of one poster here to eat at the restaurant in the Manor department store and found that very affordable and very good food.

The highlight of our time in Switzerland, though, as staying in a small village called Sigriswil that looks over Lake Thun. I found a listing on Airbnb for a room in the home of a family and it was delightful to stay with them for four nights. Our hostess, Andrea, provided a wonderful breakfast daily and was very helpful with giving directions and offering suggestions for us to make our time there enjoyable. Her husband Peter was around too and we enjoyed friendly chats with him about many topics. Andrea even washed some clothes for us at a very reasonable price.

Staying in this village was not as disconnected to exploring the area as I had wondered if it would be. We had a visitor's pass that provided free bus service all around the area and also discounts on other forms of transportation. We rode the bus to Thun, which is an interesting city to explore also, and to Spiez on the other shore of Lake Thun, where we found a great meal on a Sunday at a very affordable fixed price. One can even connect to another bus that goes directly to Interlaken from there. One day we rode a bus simply to use it to see more of the area and it took us far up a mountain where snow was still evident. Our only regret was not having more time there and we have decided if we return we will stay an entire week there. The people whom we talked to or asked for assistance were all very friendly and helpful and some went out of their way to be sure our need was met. We can't wait until we can return to Sigriswil again.

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271 posts

Thanks for your report. Sounds like you had a great time in beautiful Switzerland!

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33360 posts

Jerry, thanks so much for circling back with this trip report.

I remember the original thread discussing this and I was anxious that you might feel cut off and isolated.

Wonderful how it all played out - sounds like a great host family - and that you got around and saw things of interest.

Sounds like it was very much worth going. I'm happy

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2958 posts

Thanks for reporting back. I’m not familiar with Sigriswil. I’ll have to check it out. Switzerland has such great public transportation that it really is so easy to get around the country.