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Swiss Travel Pass to Austria :different validity areas between the online and the pdf versions

Hello everybody,

I often come here to read some accurate informations about travelling through Switzerland. I am confused about BUSES from Buchs or Sargans to Feldkirch (via the Liechtenstein). On the pdf version of the Swiss Travel Pass, buses are indeed included, but on the online version ( there are no buses available for STP holders.

Can someone help me get the right answer (We are a family of five and we plan to get a cheaper accomodotion in Feldkirch and
cross the border).

Thank you.

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6 posts

Thank you for your advise. I will do as you said and will update if I get an answer from elsewhere.

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17604 posts

I do not see a key to the online map you linked. But does it have buses in yellow like the Swiss Travel Map? If you enlarge the area enough, it will show a yellow (bus) route between Buchs, Sargans, and into Liechtenstein.

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6 posts

Hello Lola,

For the key, after selecting Swiss Travel Pass on the top left menu, you have to click on "i" and then choose buses. I tried to join a screenshot to let everyone know how but it seems it is not possible.

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17604 posts

OK, that confirms that Postbus routes are shown in yellow (the same color as the Postbuses themselves). Just zoom in on the area you are interested in and the yellow routes will appear. It looks just like the regular pdf version to me—- there is no discrepancy.

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6 posts

I checked once again: on the online version, there is no connection via buses until Feldkrich, it stops longway before. But in the 2024 pdf map it does reach Feldrich. It is really confusing. I wish I could charge the screenshots, maybe I can send them by email?

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21748 posts

A small hint, when you try to buy a ticket at, it shows the full fare price of a bus ticket from Buchs SG to Felkirch, as 8 CHF, and when you check the half fare price, its 4 CHF. so it is in the GA network.

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6 posts

Accurate notice! It means that, at least, the swiss rail network (or let's say swiss rail "operator") take this journey into consideration. The question will remain: is there a difference using the Swiss Pass Travel (in that case it will be free)? According to me, probably no difference!
I will take the probability of a mistake on the online version rather than the one on the 2024 pdf version.

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17604 posts

I do not see the problem you are having.

If I enlarge the map you linked above enough on my iPad,, it clearly shows the bus service extending to Feldkirch, specifically to a spot designated “Feldkirch L190/Bahnhof”. And from there, heading toward Buchs, you can transfer at Schaan-Vaduz to the Postbus serving Vaduz Städtle and other stops around Liechtenstein.

You just have to enlarge the map enough and wait for the bus network routes to load. Or try a different device. I just tried it with my iPhone and it will not show the bus lines in Liechtenstein. But the iPad definitely does—-and actually shows more detail of the bus routes in Liechtenstein than this Swiss Travel System validity map:

I don’t suppose this will hold the expanded view, but I will try:

Edit: no, that doesn’t work. You will just have to keep trying to expand it, maybe on a different device (not a phone).

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6 posts

Hello Lola,
I tried on both different devices: first on pc then after your advice on an android tablett device (I dont have an iphone) and the result is ... Wow !!!
When you zoom really really well what an amazing network of buses !!
Ladies and gentlemen, please don't do the same mistake I did: please use the online map version which is more complete, BUT go to the ultimate zoom you can reach and then every single village will appear with a bus stop.

Once again, thank you Lola

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17604 posts

You are most welcome.

I have great confidence in the Swiss and their reliability and consistency, and was determined to prove it.