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Swiss travel pass question

Traveling to Switzerland early September for two weeks. Trying to decide between the Swiss travel pass or the Swiss half pass plus the Oberland pass. Plans include the Bernina Express and the Glacier Express.

Flying into Zurich.
Luzern for 3 nights
Pontresina for 2 nights
Zermatt for 2 nights
Grindlewald for 3 nights
Interlaken for 1 night and back Zurich the next day to catch flight.

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71 posts

I'm on the Rick Steve's best of Switzerland and staying after in the BO. Since I start my holiday in Italy I just bought the 1/2 fare card and a 3 day BO pass. I made a chart using fares on the SBB website. I don't know that I will save much money but the 1/2 fare card greatly reduces the price of the BO pass.

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20094 posts

This route may be a little more efficient.
Day 1 Zurich airport to Chur, stay one night in Chur
Day 2 Bernina Express to Pontresina, stay 2 nights in Pontresina
Day 4 Glacier Express to Zermatt, stay 2 nights in Zermatt.
Day 6 train to Grindelwald, stay 3 nights in Grindelwald
Day 9 train to Luzern, stay 3 nights in Luzern
Day 12 train to Zurich airport.

A 15-day Swiss Travel Pass at 429 CHF is the base case. To see if the Half Fare Card plus the 4-day Berner Oberland Pass will take some spreadsheet work on your part Price each trip and see what you come up with.