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Swiss Travel Pass - Gotthard Panorama Express - Bernina (oh my)

I've gone through this forum and there is a lot of help out there for the train passes... I've just spent more than an hour going between this site, Rick's book, Man in Seat 61 and I'm as blurry-eyed as if I pounded a few cocktails... Worst of all, I still can't figure this out sober as I truly am.

I'm following Rick's suggested itinerary for Switzerland by train. I have the 15-day train pass.
* Do I still pay for tickets for the two panoramic train trips? Or is the pass good for them?
* If I don't have to pay for tickets, I imagine it's best to get seat reservations, but using the app doesn't lead me to a place to simply make the reservations - so suggestions, guidance or any other help?

If you have any other advice, consider me Mickey Mouse (I'm all ears)...

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20940 posts

Which two panoramic train trips? You mention the Gotthard Panorama Express, but what is the other one?

The Gotthard Panorama Express is 1st class only, so if you have a 2nd class pass, you will need to buy an upgrade ticket.

Get tickets and seat reservations here:

Seat reservation costs 24 CHF.

If you want the Bernina Express, buy seat reservations here:

Posted by
17225 posts

The pass is all you need for the ride, but for seat reservations (required on the Bernina for the panorama cars) you need to make a reservation on the train’s website:

The Gotthard Panorama Express is a train plus a boat. It is all First Class, so if your Swiss Travel Pass is not, you will need to pay a supplement. Make reservations on this site: