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swiss travel pass

What is the best site for purchasing a Swiss Travel Pass? or ? Also, is it possible to pay with US dollars using a credit card without being charged the foreign exchange fee? Thank you.

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20940 posts

I guess the other thing to do is get yourself a credit card that does not charge foreign currency exchange fees. Capital one is a start, but there are tons of them. It will also save you money when you arrive in Switzerland.

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8889 posts

Technically it is a "foreign use fee", not a "foreign exchange fee". Some sites do offer a choice of currency (not SBB), but, even if you pay on a European website is US dollars, that still counts as "foreign use" and you still get hit with the fee.
The actual currency exchange is done by the credit card company (Visa / Master Card), so your bank doesn't have a chance to make any money on that.
As others have said, get a credit card from a different bank. You will be presumably using a credit card when you are in Switzerland (hotels etc.), and you don't want to be hit by multiple "foreign use fees" then.

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2 posts

Thank you all for the info. So it doesn't matter which web site is used to get a Swiss Travel Pass and I'll use my credit card with no foreign transaction fee. Can't wait to be in Switzerland!