So I will admit that I am an idiot from the very beginning.
When driving from Frankfurt to Geneva, I did not exactly read about the now in my mind infamous Swiss traffic laws.
A few questions.
I tried to stay at the speed limit, but I may have gone over a few km/h at times. How frequent are these rathers. Bare in mind I usually go pretty fast in the USA, but I tried to stick to the rules.
I had no idea it was the law to have headlights on during the day. Do they fine you for this only if you get pulled over? Or am I pretty much screwed here.
My GPS was not so good, and it was leading me down some roads that were closed or one ways. In my frustration, I came pretty close to running a red light. Is there a camera at every light or just sometimes? I did not see a flash, but it was all the middle of the day.
Bottom line I am afraid I am going to hit with thousands of euros in fees