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Swiss Pass

I am a little confused as to which travel pass I should buy for my trip. I am flying into Zurich on October 9 and immediately taking a train to Zermatt where I will be through October 12. Then taking train back to Zurich where I will stay through October 19. We will be going to different places (Lucerne, Bern, Interlaken, etc.) for day trips from Zurich. Should I buy the half fare card or travel pass. I am not sure which day we will going to these cities.

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Without knowing more specifics of your daily travel plans, it sounds like the Swiss Travel Pass would be a good option since you’ll be in different regions of the country.

That is the Pass I always get as I like the convenience of not having to buy tickers for most things. If you do any mountain excursions, you’ll get a discount with the Pass and will need to buy tickets. I find it easiest to just buy those tickets at the ticket counter. I just show them my Pass, tell them where I’d like to go, and they make sure I have the correct ticket with the appropriate discount. Very easy.