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Swiss-Italy train travel

Is it necessary to make reservations on a train going from Interlaken to Stresa? Never had any problems in Switzerland nor in Italy purchasing right at the station but never been on international trains.

Thank You!

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20067 posts

No single train goes from Interlaken to Stresa, best you can hope for is with one transfer at Spiez to an EC train going to Milan that stops in Stresa. EC trains within Italy require a seat reservation, but you get one automatically when you buy a ticket.

If you took all regional trains going Interlaken-Spiez-Domodossola-Stresa, you would not need any seat reservations.

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6887 posts

Reservations are mandatory on the Italian portion of the long-distance trains between Switzerland and Italy. This one typically won't sell out, so there is no need to book very long in advance, but you do get good discounts on the Spiez-Stresa portion if you buy in advance at either SBB (Swiss Railways) or Trenitalia.

If you have a Swiss Travel Pass, you are covered until Domodossola and only need to buy a ticket from there to Stresa (do so on Trenitalia, since this short journey is wholly in Italy).

If you have a Half-Fare Card in Switzerland, it gives you a discount on the Swiss portion of the journey, and it will be easier to book it thru SBB as a result.