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Stoos hike with Kids?

Has anyone done the Stoos hike with Children?

My husband just passed away in October so our trip to Switzerland this summer will now be just me, my parents (67 and 70 and in good shape) and my 3 kiddos (6, 9 and 2.5).

The 6 and 9 year old are great listeners and I plan on putting the 2.5 year old in a hiking backpack

We walk and hike a lot here in PA where we live but obviously the Stoos hike looks MUCH more intense in terms of cliff falls, etc
Just wondering if anyone else has done it with a 2 or 3 year old?

Is it doable? How long should we plan on it taking with young kids?

If need be, I could send one of the grandparents directly to the end point of the hike - at Fronalpstock - and have them wait at the restaurant/petting zoo etc while just the big kids do the hike

Any tips would be so appreciated!


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11540 posts

No personal experience, but the info here may be helpful

I did not read the entirety of it but did find this on the site;
This is a narrow alpine trail, with lots of up and down climbs with stairs and switchbacks. It has many areas with steep drop-offs, which require secure footing. It is suitable for older children with hiking experience.

You will be at elevation and the hike is ~3 miles. The referenced site has a '2 hr' time estimate. My guess is that with the 2 older kids, 3 hrs is a reasonable estimate and if you are packing the youngest, even longer should be allowed.

The idea to send the youngest ahead with the grandparents is a good one.

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10 posts

Hi Samantha, I have nothing to add but to say how sorry I am for your loss. I truly hope you have a great trip.