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RS Switzerland book on sale

The RS Switzerland book, 2023 edition Kindle edition, is on sale for $3.99 on amazon. It says only for a limited time.

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4719 posts

Always get a guidebook, even at full price. It's the best travel investment you can make.

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148 posts

Phred, I am not so sure. I have a few and they are all out of date. I prefer to use on-line resources most of the time.

The RS Switzerland one is $33.99 in Australia for the Kindle version, that is an awful lot of money, but admittedly not in comparison to how much the trip is costing!

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118 posts

Thank you! I've been wanting to buy one. Looks like his 2023 Kindle books Amsterdam & the Netherlands; Greece: Athens & the Peloponnese; Belgium: Bruges, Brussels, Antwerp & Ghent; and Italy for Food Lovers are also $3.99 right now.

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4719 posts

A guidebook by its nature is out of date before it's even published, since as they all remind you, things open and close, times shift and prices change. But that's why we have the internets, to research that stuff if it's important.

I'm looking for things like suggested itineraries, and walking tours, and travel tips and little maps, and some hotel suggestions. They are no longer the only game in town, but I tend to trust a "real" guidebook more than someone on TA or Tiktok.

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148 posts

Phred, I ended up paying $33.99 for the Kindle version, painful, but in comparison to what three weeks in Switzerland is going to cost it is a drop in the ocean.

I haven't had a chance to look at it yet, but will soon.